Morning Medical Update 5-9-23

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Jill Chadwick

News Director

Office: (913) 588-5013

Cell: (913) 223-3974


The University of Kansas Health System is treating a total of 30 COVID patients today, 28 yesterday. Other significant numbers:


  • 12 with the active virus today, 13 yesterday
  • 2 in ICU, 1 yesterday
  • 0 on a ventilator, 0 yesterday


Key points from today’s guests:


Kaleigh Hobbs, Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor

  • Kaleigh, a mother of an 8-week-old, noticed a mass on her neck that was soon diagnosed as Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  • There is no screening for this type of cancer, but Kaleigh knew something was wrong and sought help immediately.
  • During her treatment, she worked with doctors to plan treatment, taking her family into consideration. She waited two full years after chemotherapy – what we would consider in remission – to try to have another baby.
  • Post-Hodgkin’s, Kayleigh found out she had a BRCA 2 gene mutation and decided to have a prophylactic double mastectomy and reconstruction to reduce more cancer risk.
  • Kayleigh eventually had another child, a baby boy, and her cancer doctor jokingly suggested she name the baby after him, explaining that his Arabic name translates to Jacob.
  • Kayleigh and her husband did indeed name their son Jacob after the doctor who helped save her life.

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub, oncologist & hematologist, The University of Kansas Cancer Center

  • We wanted to make sure we achieved a cure with enough treatment but one with limited lasting side effects or complications. We wanted the maximum treatment that gets the job done and gets her cured.
  • The patient wanted to have another baby, so fertility preservation and risk of a second cancer were things we took under consideration when treating Kaleigh.
  • Having Jacob named after him is the “best feeling in the world,” and he hopes Jacob takes his position as a doctor someday.
  • As physicians, we don't just treat the cancer. We treat the patient and the family. Kaleigh had such a positive attitude and great support system throughout this journey.

Dr. Dana Hawkinson, medical director of infection prevention and control, The University of Kansas Health System

  • The World Health Organization declared that the COVID emergency is over on a global scale.
  • Obviously, every country's experience is different. For the United States, it hasn't really affected most people's day to day lives. That is a good thing.
  • But we also must understand that there are certain populations of people who are still very much affected by this.
  • The end of the emergency phase is really about a reduction in some of the resources and funding available.