58-year-old Bryan Mann likes to prepare his food for the week. A year ago, when he tipped the scales at 316 pounds, his menu included a lot of processed foods, a lot of fried foods, cakes and cookies and donuts…and when he would travel, donuts would be his go- to food. But a prostate cancer diagnosis changed all that. Now, a year later, and 80 pounds lighter, cabbage and carrots are on the menu.
Bryan is a married father of three and heads up the congregation at Bethel Church. Since his diagnosis…he’s seen for himself the clear link between nutrition and cancer. And not just cancer, but high blood pressure and diabetes. Dieticians at The University of Kansas Health System made him rethink what he puts into his body… which finally includes more fruits, vegetables and a new appreciation for water. He’s also become used to eating less sugar and salt and how to control his portions.
In the video, Bryan talks about his former relationship with food, and how he ate just because he enjoyed eating. He says after the cancer wake-up-call, the connection between good food and good health finally clicked for him. He says he decided he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life being overweight, and wanted to give his body a fighting chance in his cancer battle. And he says he has a lot to live for, especially his family and grandkids.
The video also includes Bryan preparing food, and a lot of before and after pictures showing his weight loss.