Total COVID patient numbers are still extremely high at The University of Kansas Health System today, 211, down from 219. Omicron is the dominant strain. Other numbers of note:
- 107 with active virus today, 122 yesterday
- 21 in ICU, 27 yesterday
- 11 on ventilators, 15 yesterday
- 104 hospitalized but out of acute infection phase, 97 yesterday
Today’s guests discussed how omicron is hitting kids harder and how more and more are dealing with grief and anxiety during the pandemic. Key points from today:
Dr. Angela Myers, director of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Mercy Hospital
- More kids are being hospitalized from omicron than any other variant because it’s more contagious. Average of 30 a day for whole month of January is uncommon
- Patients are younger than before
- Multi system inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) cases are up in those recovering from COVID
- Vaccinations for kids not where they need to be. Only 50% of older teens, much less for 12 and above.
Dr. Mitchell Douglass, psychiatrist, medical director, The University of Kansas
Health System Marillac Campus
- More kids dealing with grief from family member seriously ill or dying from COVID
- Vital to have open and honest conversations with kids about how they are doing. Don’t lead the talk with, “You’re doing OK, right?”
- OK to ask if they’ve ever thought about hurting themselves. Talking about suicide will not give kids ideas about it but not talking about suicide may.
- Kids must be vaccinated and wear masks to stay in school and avoid home isolation
Dr. Dana Hawkinson, medical director of Infection Prevention and Control
- Get a booster 90 days after recovering from COVID infection
- Hoping lower COVID patient numbers are beginning of a trend and better days by spring
- Other variants will likely arise, but vaccines will keep hospitalizations and deaths lower.
Dr. Steve Stites, chief medical officer, The University of Kansas Health System
- Applauds Park Hill School District for extending face mask requirement through Feb. 11.
- If going to Chiefs game or watch party, wear a mask except when eating and drinking
- Must all be on the same team if we’re going to beat COVID. Imagine if Kelce and Mahomes were fighting each other on the field. The Chiefs would not be winning.
Monday, January 31 at 8:00 a.m. is the next Morning Medical Update. A mother who lost her baby while battling COVID shares her heartbreaking and impactful story. What she wants expecting mothers to know and how she's honoring her baby girl.
Plus Dr. Marc Parrish, director of our maternal fetal medicine program, with what we know about COVID, moms, and unborn babies.
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