Open Mics With Doctor Stites 11-30-22

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Jill Chadwick

News Director

Office: (913) 588-5013

Cell: (913) 223-3974


    The University of Kansas Health System is treating a total of 43 COVID patients today, up from 42 yesterday. Other significant numbers:

  • 27 with the active virus today, 24 yesterday
  • 5 in ICU, 3 yesterday
  • 1 on a ventilator, 1 yesterday
  • 16 hospitalized, but out of acute infection phase, 18 yesterday

Key points from today’s guests:

Dr. Steve Stites, chief medical officer, The University of Kansas Health System

  • In 2019, famous musician Peter Frampton was diagnosed with IBM (Inclusion Body Myositis) a degenerative muscle disease affecting his hips and fingers.
  • His diagnosis brought to the public forefront a rare and often undiagnosed disease.
  • Jill Sondker is a local woman who was diagnosed with IBM and is sharing her journey about the difficulties with diagnosis and how her treatment has progressed.

Jill Sondker, IBM patient

  • It took about 10 years of visiting different doctors to figure out the real diagnosis was IBM.
  • One of her doctors realized she has a real issue when she had trouble getting up from her chair and immediately referred her to Dr. Dimachkie.
  • It is an exhausting disease because it takes so much effort to get up and down.
  • Just knowing the diagnosis was so helpful so she could move forward with treatment, where she is doing well and staying positive.

Dr. Mazen Dimachkie, neurologist, The University of Kansas Health System

  • The primary symptom of IBM is weakness in arms and legs, and we’ve seen holes inside muscle fibers that are causing this.
  • One out of six IBM patients also have trouble swallowing.
  • There is a delay in diagnosis of about seven years and IBM typically affects people over 40 years old.
  • Primary care physicians can sometimes dismiss joint issues as normal aging and not consider IBM.
  • It is important for these patients to exercise, but not overdo it.

Dr. Dana Hawkinson, director of infection control and prevention, The University of Kansas Health System

  • Overall COVID cases in the U.S. have been going up and hospitalization numbers have been going up as well.
  • The prevalence of newer variants are making monoclonal antibodies less effective or even ineffective.
  • The latest boosters do have protections against the newer bivalent variants.
  • Flu numbers are also increasing, which is creating a dangerous situation.
  • There seems to be a nationwide shortage of Tamiflu, which is also complicating things.

Thursday, December 1 at 8:00 a.m. is the next Morning Medical Update. COVID, Flu, AIDS, RSV…they’re all making news these days. What are the infectious diseases that keep doctors awake at night? Our panel of infectious disease doctors talk about the diseases that concern them most.

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