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Logan Blankenship
Media Team
Jill Jensen Chadwick
Bob Hallinan
Cliff Erwin
Logan Blankenship
Jessica Lovell
Alexis Del Cid
Alex Brown
Maggie Blair
Angie Frizzo
Logan Blankenship
Executive Technical Director
Logan operates his camera and edits his videos with the skill of a surgeon which is ironic considering he never stepped foot into an OR until coming to the Medical News Network. It turns out he isn't the least bit squeamish and loves telling stories of people going from sick or injured to healthy and well. Before the MNN, Logan worked his entire career at KSHB in Kansas City. He started in the studio, morphed into a LIVE shot king and news hound before finding new challenges to overcome as part of the creative services team. There, Logan honed his graphics and animation skills which have taken the MNN video production to the next level.
Logan Blankenship
Executive Technical Director
Office: 913-588-4387
Cell: 913-271-5838
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